Advice & Support

It is never too early to start providing the kinds of experiences that will help your child enter school ready to succeed. 'School readiness' refers to the academic knowledge, independence, communication, and social skills children need to do well in school. Getting your child ready for school requires you to spend time reading, talking, and playing with your child.

How to make Friends

Attending a new school or being placed in a new class can be challenging, especially if your friends are not with you. However, you must not be disheartened. This can be an opportunity for you to make new friends.

  • Make sure that you are kind, honest and respectful to the students you meet and your teacher. To do this you should:
    • Wait your turn
    • Use polite words such as please, thank you and excuse me
    • Listen carefully
    • Cooperate with others and share
    • Give compliments
  • Do not be nervous. Act confidently. Do not stare on the floor; smile as you walk by
  • Do not put yourself down by negatively comparing yourself with other students
  • Do not try to change yourself. Your real friends must accept you for who you are
  • Look out for other new students who you can make friends with
  • Avoid joining up with school gangs.
  • Make sure that you are clean and neat, and wear the correct uniform of the school
  • Answer questions in a polite manner, for example, if the teacher asks you a question, respond by saying, "Yes Miss/Yes Sir," not "Yo".
  • Do your homework and participate fully on team projects
  • Observe all the school and class rules
  • Join extra-curricular activities
  • Avoid conflicts. For example, do not allow children who are abusive and disrespectful to provoke you. Ignore them and report their behaviour to your class teacher

You do not have to make friends with everyone in class.

How to avoid Conflicts at School

Conflicting situations may arise in your classrooms. Many times there are reports of students fighting or verbally abusing others. Unfortunately, some of these situations have led to the death of some of your fellow school mates. It is always best to avoid conflicts because once they have started; they are very hard to control. Here are some tips to help you to avoid conflicts with your peers:

  • Keep friends who are positive, obedient, obey the school rules, do their school work and respect their parents, siblings, teachers and other classmates
  • Be respectful of people's feelings. Avoid gossiping. Do not slander, bully and tease your school mates
  • Avoid conversations that deal with sensitive issues such as your religion/denomination, people's appearance, economic situation, political beliefs, etc.
  • If you are being taunted, teased, or criticized, stay calm, ignore the person or make a joke about it. Do not get upset or else the person may think you are 'soft' or sensitive, and continue to provoke you. Remember a soft answer turns away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger.
  • Do not be quick to judge, criticize and belittle your classmates and friends. Remember everyone makes mistakes, including you.
  • Offer support to your classmates who need your help. For example you can share your book with your classmate who may have forgotten his at home.
  • Obey your school and class rules.
  • Avoid loitering on the school compound outside of school hours. If you arrive at school early, read a book or revise your work. Once school has ended for the day, go straight home. If you have to stay behind at school, go to the library and do some work, or participate in an extra-curricular activity.
  • When you are at play, play games fairly and be a 'good sportsman'. Do not get upset if you lose. You will have other opportunities.
  • Remember, do not take weapons to school, or use any item as a weapon should a conflict arises. Walk away from the person who is initiating the conflict and report it to your teacher or Dean of Discipline or someone in authority.
  • If a conflict arises which you have not initiated, make sure you inform your teacher or Dean of Discipline or someone in authority immediately.

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