Save the Children

Save the Children is currently running an Early Childhood Education program in partnership with the Ministry of Education to improve education opportunities for children living in remote communities. The program includes teacher training, curriculum development and the construction of kindergartens.
As part of the Education program, we are working with schools to integrate Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) principles into their teaching and management practices, through the development of school evacuation plans and the introduction of DRR focused games and lessons.
Youth groups are focussing on the development and implementation of DRR and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) action plans.
World Vision

World Vision Vanuatu works with communities to help eliminate poverty and its causes. World Vision opened our office in Vanuatu in the early 1980s and started education, training and income generating projects. They now work in the four provinces of Tafea, Sanma, Efate and Penama.
World Vision currently has projects that include water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), agriculture, economic development, education, early childhood development and disaster risk reduction and preparedness. Some of their education and training programs include:
- Setting up pre-schools in rural communities and providing training for volunteer pre-school teachers.
- Adult literacy programs in rural communities that are accredited by the Vanuatu National Training Council (VNTC).
Oxfam Australia

Oxfam Australia (AU) currently works with young people and local partner organizations on Efate, Santo and Pentecost islands to give young people the skills and opportunities to build a vibrant future for Vanuatu. Some of their programs include:
- The establishment of youth drop-in centres, with their local partner Wan Smolbag Theatre, In Port Vila, Santo and Pentecost Island.
- The establishment of health clinics, with their local partner Wan Smolbag Theatre, In Port Vila, Santo and Pentecost Island where Oxfam AU provides training and workshops relate to sexual health as well as counselling and family planning services.
Oxfam New Zealand

Oxfam New Zealand (NZ), in conjunction with its partner the Vanuatu Rural Development Training Centres Association (VRDTCA), run training programs targeted for young people in rural communities.
Oxfam has worked with VRDTCA since 2003 to help offer young people a second chance at an education. There are now 50 rural training centres throughout Vanuatu where students learn practical vocational skills including health and sanitation, home economics, small business management, legal rights, agriculture, mechanics and carpentry.
Furthermore, the training centres accept in kind payment with kava, pigs or cows for school fees, because most of the families struggle to pay.
Kiwanis (South Pacific District)
The South Pacific District of Kiwanis runs civic projects that include assistance to youth as well as the development of community facilities and creation of international understanding and goodwill.
In Vanuatu they have provided educational assistance in the form of the donation of containers of school furniture, uniforms, science equipment, desks, toys and books as well as teachers' resources to schools around Vanuatu.
Rotary International
Education is one of the six focus areas of Rotary in Vanuatu. Some of the projects they run include a skills training project, under which, they provide short and long-term scholarships to study at tertiary institutions such as USP, VIT and the Vanuatu College of Nursing Education.
Another project is the Life Improvement Project Vanuatu that supplies school desks, chairs, water tanks, computers, hospital supplies, books, pencils and paper all over Vanuatu.
The Rotary Club of Port Vila (Rotary in New Zealand and the Pacific)