• Skul Grant Program

  • Healthy Foods

Minister of Education and Training

Honourable Simil Johnson

Halo Olgeta!

Welcome to the website of the Vanuatu Ministry of Education and Training (MoET)!
I am very happy that you have found this site, and hope that it will be extremely useful to you.

Our goal is to provide content that will be useful and attractive to all our major stakeholders: students, parents, teachers, school administrators, education officials, and the public. We have designed the site so that your stakeholder "role" will lead you to useful content. So if you are a student, look first under the "student/parent" tab, and if you are with the media, look under the "media" tab above. And so on.

In the long term we want our site to have a tremendous amount of content in English, French, Bislama and vernacular island languages, to better serve all our citizens.

Thanks for your interest in the children and youth of Vanuatu.

Honourable Simil Johnson

Minister of Education and Training

Social Media